Kit Harington recently talked to Variety about anxiety he's experienced in the Snow role, particularly when his character was killed off and then resurrected."My darkest period was when the show seemed to become so much about Jon, when he died and came back," Harington said. "I really didn't like the focus of the whole show coming onto Jon — even though it was invalidating my problem about being the weak link because things were about Jon."Harington's character on the HBO fantasy series was killed in the Season 5 finale, but brought back. (HBO and CNN share the same parent company).Viewer reaction to the plot twist was intense. "When you become the cliffhanger of a TV show, and a TV show probably at the height of its power, the focus on you is f—ing terrifying," Harington said. The actor told Variety that when it was all happening, "It wasn't a very good time in my life.""I felt I had to feel that I was the most fortunate person in the world, when actually, I felt very vulnerable," he said. "I had a shaky time in my life around there — like I think a lot of people do in their 20s."Harington said it led him to seek help. "That was a time when I started therapy, and started talking to people," he said. "I had felt very unsafe, and I wasn't talking to anyone. I had to feel very grateful for what I have, but I felt incredibly concerned about whether I could even f—ing act."Harington likened the experience to "when you're at a party, and the party's getting better and better. Then you reach this point of the party where you're like, it's peaked.""I don't know what I could find more from this. You realize, well, there isn't more," Harington said. "This is it. And the 'more' that you can find is actually in the work rather than the enjoyment surrounding it."The eighth and final season of "Game of Thrones" premieres April 14.
Kit Harington sought therapy after Jon Snow's death